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Baker/Prep candidates will be respon­si­ble for assisting Pastry Chef, includ­ing, but not lim­it­ed to cookies, bread, crackers, biscuits, kimchee, cashew cheese and more. The ide­al can­di­date will provide excel­lent punctuality, ability to follow direction well and be able to have work a bakers schedule. The can­di­date should have 2–3 years of restau­rant expe­ri­ence, a pas­sion for food and baking, as well as a desire to work in a strong cul­ture. We offer com­pet­i­tive pay, ben­e­fits and oppor­tu­ni­ty for growth with­in the com­pa­ny.


Wel­come and warm­ly greet guests on arrival, address­ing them by name when­ev­er pos­si­ble. Man­age the effi­cient and time­ly seat­ing of our guests to a table that best serves their wish­es.


This job includes but is not lim­it­ed to chop­ping veg­eta­bles, orga­ni­za­tion, weigh­ing and mix­ing ingre­di­ents, wash­ing and prepar­ing veg­eta­bles, stor­ing food, and more.


Line cooks are respon­si­ble for prep­ping ingre­di­ents and assem­bling dish­es accord­ing to restau­rant recipes and spec­i­fi­ca­tions. The kitchen can be hot, noisy and stress­ful, so you’ll need to be able to work effi­cient­ly and quick­ly to be suc­cess­ful. Pay range based on skill.


There is the front of house: the servers and wait­staff, and the back of house: the cooks and chefs. In between the­se two groups is the expe­d­i­tor. Com­mu­ni­cate orders and infor­ma­tion between the FOH and BOH, mak­ing sure that food is cooked in the right order, quick­ly, and pre­sent­ed to the cus­tomer as beau­ti­ful­ly as pos­si­ble. JOB SKILLS AND REQUIREMENTS Lead­er­ship Skills: Often lead­ing both the FOH and the BOH, mak­ing sure food is pre­pared and deliv­ered in a time­ly way. Sense of Taste and Smell: Deli­cious food brings in cus­tomers. Food expe­d­i­tors are the last line of defense to make sure food is pre­pared cor­rect­ly and tasty. Time Man­age­ment Skills: Food can get ruined eas­i­ly if you can­not man­age your time. Great time man­age­ment will help you avoid burned or spoiled food and angry cus­tomers.


Must enjoy a fast-paced, pos­i­tive work­ing envi­ron­ment. Must be able to provide guests with the high lev­el expe­ri­ence they’ve grown to expect. If you can mul­ti­task and provide excep­tion­al guest ser­vice all the while hav­ing fun we want to talk with you! You must have excel­lent employ­ment his­to­ry with solid ref­er­ences. A min­i­mum of one year expe­ri­ence work­ing in a com­pa­ra­ble posi­tion is required.


Green­Space Cafe is look­ing for a part-time bar­tender to join our team! If you have a min­i­mum of two years’ expe­ri­ence, enjoy pro­vid­ing excel­lent cus­tomer ser­vice and have an upbeat, pos­i­tive, team ori­ent­ed work ethic, please apply!

Please submit your resume and cover letter by emailing them to

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215 W Nine Mile Rd., Ferndale, MI 48220
(248) 206-7510