Our Story

Our Story

Welcome to GreenSpace Café, where health tastes amazing.

Our founder, Joel Kahn, MD, knows some­thing about health. As an acclaimed car­di­ol­o­gist and author, he cham­pi­ons food as med­i­cine and has devot­ed his career to edu­cat­ing oth­ers about the heal­ing pow­er of plants. With the help of his wife, Karen, and son, Daniel, Dr. Kahn decid­ed to turn his words into action and pio­neer a ful­ly veg­an, plant-based bar and eatery.
Plant based and pure.

With the help of a tal­ent­ed team, the Kahns opened Green­Space Café, metro Detroit’s first plant-based restau­rant and bar inspired by health, as well as glob­al culi­nary tra­di­tions and Detroit’s excit­ing arti­san food cul­ture.

Ded­i­cat­ed to trans­form­ing fresh, nutri­tious ingre­di­ents into delec­table plant-based dish­es, Green­Space Café cel­e­brates the joy of beau­ti­ful, healthy food. Using most­ly organ­ic ingre­di­ents, we hand craft all dish­es, dress­ings and sauces and offer aller­gy-friend­ly gluten-, soy-, nut- and oil-free options. We use no GMOs, no preser­v­a­tives, no processed foods, no microwaves or fry­ers, and no ani­mal prod­ucts. Even all alco­hol is researched to assure no dyes, no added sul­fites, and no ani­mal prod­ucts are used in the fin­ing process. From greens and grains to cashew cheeses and cock­tails, every care­ful­ly cho­sen ingre­di­ent comes from the earth and is sourced as sus­tain­ably and local­ly as pos­si­ble.

Nourishing people and planet.

Step into Green­Space, a haven where healthy, fla­vor­ful food does no harm to peo­ple, ani­mals or the plan­et. Where nour­ish­ing, hap­py whole foods and eco-friend­ly sur­round­ings invite you to relax, recharge and recon­nect. Where health and com­mu­ni­ty meet.

Come taste the joy of tru­ly good food.

Farm to flavor.

Bright­ly col­ored, fresh-picked pro­duce har­vest­ed in rhythm with the sea­sons is the hall­mark of our menu.

As a farm-to-table oper­a­tion, we source our ingre­di­ents fresh and as local­ly as pos­si­ble, fre­quent­ing farm­ers’ mar­kets dur­ing the grow­ing sea­son and forg­ing con­nec­tions with local farm­ers and food pro­duc­ers. Fresh, whole foods are real foods. More vibrant, nutri­ent-dense and healthy, they also serve as seri­ous inspi­ra­tion for our dai­ly-chang­ing menu.

With an empha­sis on fresh, cre­ative, street-inspired food and small plates, our menu tempts you to try new tex­tures and tastes. Larg­er, share­able entrees, bowls, nut-cheese boards and flat­breads, along with gar­den-fresh sal­ads, dai­ly soups and desserts are com­ple­ment­ed by a full bar, fea­tur­ing local and Michi­gan craft beers, arti­san-grown wines, kom­bucha on draft and…

…Unique drinks. In a process we like to refer to as “con­scious cock­tail­ing,” our apothe­cary-style mixed drinks are not only cre­at­ed to please the palate, but to cap­ture the ther­a­peu­tic ben­e­fits of var­i­ous fruits and botan­i­cals. Many incor­po­rate raw organ­ic juices, becom­ing health­ier ver­sions of favorite cock­tails.

We also offer a children’s menu and an oil-free menu, and all our food is cer­ti­fied kosher.

At Green­Space Café we invite you to expe­ri­ence arti­san-style, casu­al­ly ele­gant cuisine, where healthy eat­ing is a feast for the sens­es.

Mailing List

215 W Nine Mile Rd., Ferndale, MI 48220
(248) 206-7510